Is It Time to Replace Your Bicycle Tyres?

There are not always telltale signs when your bicycle tyres need replacement. However, replacing them on time helps your bicycle stay on top of its performance. Not to forget that running on old and worn tyres significantly increases the risk of losing traction and potentially risking safety. But how do you know it is time to replace your tyres? In this blog, we have curated a list of signs that can help you figure out if it's time to replace your bicycle tyres yet. Worn Treads The tread is the outer layer of the tyre that comes into direct contact with the ground. And worn-out treads are easily one of the very first signs of tyre damage. Every tyre has wear indicators, and as they are used, the tread gradually becomes shallower, causing them to lose their grip on the gravel and the bicycle to lose traction. Therefore, it is important to inspect the tyre patterns, and if there is significant wear, especially in the middle where most of the pressure is distributed, it is time to re...